Dow Tax & Accounting, PLLC

My name is Eric Dow and I'm excited to have the first CPA office in Eagle Mountain, Utah. After seven tax seasons at a great CPA firm in Salt Lake City, I decided to focus more on what I enjoy doing most. I enjoy helping self emplyoed business owners plan ways to save on their taxes. I also enjoy helping families and individuals to understand what they can do to minimize their tax burdens and to feel confident their taxes are done right.

My family and I have lived in Eagle Mountain since 2008 and don't plan to ever leave. We love our community and enjoy being involved. I believe working to help families and businesses close to home is the most significant way I can contribute to our already great community.

Dow Tax & Accounting has recently expanded and moved to a larger office space in the same building.  We have 3 full-time employees and multiple part-time employees.